Tuesday, February 07, 2006


Back in the spring of 1993 I was trying to get pregnant with our second child and it was just not happening. My period was gone but the pregnancy tests were negative. Tests were run and in August after an MRI I was diagnosed with a pituitarymicroadenoma. A benign prolactin secreting tumor of the pitutary. The pitutary is very small and the tumor was only 4 mm, but this tiny tumor caused a lot of problems. I was put on medication to supress it and was told by my Dr. that when not pregnant I would probably have to take it the rest of my life. The medicen worked, the tumor shrank to 3 mm, and in April 1994 I found out I was pregnant . As soon as I was pregnant all the weird things I was feeling went away, and I have felt great since.

After Michael was born in January 1995 they did another MRI to see if the tumor grew during pregnancy. The tumor was gone and I was told that some spontainously dissappear. Since that time my prolactin level is checked when I get my physical each year. The normal level is 10 or below. Mine is usually 5. This year it was 38 and I go for an MRI on Thursday. My prayer is that if there is a tumor there again, they will see it clearly. I do not want to go through what I went through before. It was not fun! Mainly because I could not control how I was feeling and there did not seem to be a reason I should be feeling the way I felt.


Jennifer said...

I pray that our Heavenly Father will wrap you in His arms, comforting your spirit and giving you the strength to face whatever the future holds. I pray that He will give your doctors wisdom, and remove the tumor from your body and give you complete healing, just like before.

McMom said...

Thank-you Jennifer! You are a sweet lady!

Seeker said...

Praying for you, Cheri. Quite a brain you've got there!

McMom said...

Seeker- That is not MY brain! ( but you knew that, mines smaller LOL) Its a picture I got off the internet. Thank-you for your prayers! The last time this happened it threw me into that depression, anxiety mess. I don't want to go there again! You know it is not fun. It was nothing I could control. Your pitutary helps regulate that, at least the hormone levels.